2019: An Inspiration Plan for Success
Step outside of your comfort zone.
By Laura Campbell, InspireCorps VP of Client Partnerships
It’s wonderful to get back to work and into the rhythm of the new year. I had almost ten days off- and frankly found it a bit uncomfortable navigating so much unstructured time away from work. This is an occupational hazard when you are as inspired by your work, as I am!
I spent a good deal of my time off preparing a inspiration & swagger plan (aka: vision and goals) for 2019. Inspired by our brilliant friend and supporter Julia Balfour, many of us on the team are creating “swagger plans” to help ignite inspiration and courage consistently this year. My swagger plan includes daily and weekly routines and experiences to support me to move unapologetically towards what I want to achieve and accomplish in 2019.
As the first-ever Inspiration Strategy firm, we partner with clients to scale inspiration across people to drive results. Sustainable inspiration is a resource organizations need to manage to stay competitive. Leaders need to create opportunities for their people to create their own inspiration plans built around what uniquely sparks them. At InspireCorps’, we take our values very seriously and work hard to embody them; these light-hearted but meaningful swagger plans are just one way we are practicing sustainable inspiration this year.
2019: The year of focus and bold action
For me, 2019 will be a year creating greater impact and leaving old stories in the past. I created umbrella categories to encompass the areas where I want to accelerate success:
- Healthy Mind, Body and Soul: take care of the fullness of my being; building its strength, resilience and agility’ increasing its capacity to heal, serve and love.
- Learning, Growing and Evolving: stimulate and inspire my brain and practice greater openness to new ideas, perspectives and insights, all aligned to increasing my ability to lead, transform and have impact.
- Culture, Experience and Adventure: seek more opportunities to experience art, music and other adventures that excite and scare me a little.
- Fear, Discomfort and Stretch: walk courageously towards things that scare me or that I resist.
- Big Vision and Aspirations: create a powerful vision of who I will be and the rich, peaceful and prosperous life that I will design and build.
I’m really excited about the plans I have under the fear, discomfort and stretch umbrella. I know that if I face and embrace the opportunities that scare me most, it’s those experiences that will produce the greatest impact.
One commitment that is pushing me far outside my comfort zone is attending a two-week retreat at the end of January, Soul Journey. This retreat is led by Chip Conley, and based on his book Wisdom@Work: The Making of a Modern Elder. Chip’s Modern Elder movement is all about creating opportunities to look the later phase of life and work in new and novel ways. These two weeks away will provide me with an opportunity to step way beyond my comfort zone, reinvent what comes next, and ignite my inspiration.
If you’re interested in making your own swagger plan for 2019, stay tuned for a template we’ll be sharing in an upcoming newsletter.
We’d love to hear your #InspiredInsights about creating an inspired 2019. Share them with us @InspireCorpsCo!