Overview and Outcomes
Our partnership with Yale Pediatrics focused on resetting and raising their performance starting first with the senior leadership team. The second area of focus included cascading the learning and culture to leaders across the organization. As a result of aligned efforts, leader development and inspiration strategies were implemented across the entire organization to include the senior leadership team, faculty and staff.
The Results
with a clear vision, mission, strategic pillars, and goals to drive operating and performance priorities across all teams and the department as a whole
Increase in Performanceof struggling teams based on targeted areas of opportunity
process with connection to purpose, aspirations and leader development planning
A Culture infused with Inspiration Strategyand positive psychology to combat burnout
of better collaboration and communication, as reported by senior leaders
The Partnership
Identification of key learning initiatives to accelerate progress
Dashboard created to track and measure progress and impact
Learning and delivery plan designed, aligned to key initiatives identified
Action teams formed and self-selected key objectives to hold as priority
Voluntary participation in action teams increased individual leader development, connection to shared mission, and engagement with each other and the organization
1:1 coaching with key identified leaders, Webinars for all staff focused on individual leader development
TeamsTeam groups include Chiefs, Faculty
CultureAligned and cascaded vision/mission/goals, Performance management systems, cascading language/ideas to all through webinars
Yale Pediatrics is committed to building strong leadership at every level beginning with the Senior Team, knowing that extraordinary leadership is inspiring commitment to a shared mission, while at the same time mobilizing efforts through intentional practice and building systems to both achieve results and build capability in the process.