Sandra Spataro

CCL Member Spotlight with Sandy Spataro

Sandy, InspireCorps Co-Founder and Chief Excellence Officer, was featured in Center for Creative Leadership’s Partner Network Spotlight. Read the spotlight below, and learn more about CCL on their LinkedIn Page.

Meet the Members – Sandy Spataro

Sandy SpataroOne of the most valuable benefits of the Center for Creative Leadership’s Partner Network is its members. Each week we feature one of our members and share a bit about their backgrounds, area of expertise, and what they like to do when they’re not at work. As we continue to grow our network, we’d like to encourage you to get to know your fellow members by scheduling time with them to learn about their business and start building relationships with them.

This week we’re getting to know Sandy Spataro, co-founder of InspireCorps. She joined the CCL Partner Network in 2016.

Why did you start your firm?

The opportunity we discovered through InspireCorps – to bring inspiration in the form of passion and engagement to leaders and organizations – matches my passions completely. I was not job hunting, but the opportunity was too compelling to stay away. And it’s all the better for getting to be a part of our firm’s team. Working with these great people is one of the great joys of my life.

What is your area of expertise?

I come from a mixed background of corporate experience and my current role as a professor of Management. My research is on diversity, social influence, and organizational culture. I love working with leaders and organizations to diagnose opportunities for improvement and develop new habits and systems to support success.

What’s your favorite quote?

“You alone are enough. You have nothing to prove to anybody.” – Maya Angelou

(I think each of us has more to give when we come from this perspective.)

What do you enjoy doing when you’re not running your business?

I love music – playing piano and singing. And my favorite thing in the world to do is hike in the redwood forests of California.


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